one of these days, i was a bit too upset with things all around…
one of those days that you just go out of sync…
you want to be alone, but you also want to be around your city…
you want to be with people with whom its impossible to be…
and you are not walking the thin line anymore but jumping on both sides while struggling to be on it!…
you know what is and you know what could be – in life, you strike a balance, draw your line and walk between the two…
however, ‘that (/those)’ day(s), you want to choose black or white – the greys have to make way…
maybe it is not practical…
maybe it is insane…
or maybe it is the only time you are purely sane – too sane for the insane world….
struggling to figure this is anathor exercise altogether…
anyway, what do i do when i am mad?!…
i go for a walk – a long walk, all by myself…
and that day, i did just the same…
i had been walking for a good two hours or so…
however, that restlessness was still too strong to let the tiredness take over…
i am walking on the footpath with i dunno what going on in my head…
i spot a small little girl…
she is giggling and dancing…
there’s no music, but she is dancing…
and then, she sees me and smiles at me (still dancing) with her shiny little innocent eyes…
i can’t help smiling back at her…
for that moment, i felt great…
i had no thoughts watsoever running in my mind…
suddenly, i felt so free, so weightless… the world was all blissfull and merry… :)…
it was like experiencing the eternal truth – the eternal happiness…
and it was all around for those precious moments…
i walk past – only to be in a somewhat similar condition as before; but, with a different turn and sorta lesser burden none-the-less…
great Saint Dnyaneshwara has said that a dedicated follower experiences eternal bliss for the moment when he visits a shrine and looks at his diety…
no wonder they say that there is God in These Divine Beings – Children…